Dimitris Tziotis graduated from
Athens College as president of the Student Council.
He was honoured with the Homer Davis-Founders Award as an outstanding example of the school’s spirit, promoting social contribution, demonstrating responsibility and
duty towards society.
A graduate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – School of Law, Political and Financial Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration – he majored in International Relations and European Studies.
At the American College of Greece – Deree College, he received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration specializing in Marketing Management. He received the first prize for the student who contributed the outmost toward the achievement of the goals of the student council.
He completed the International Postgraduate Program in Olympic Studies at the International Olympic Academy.
Dimitris Tziotis graduated from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University – Harvard University. He was granted a Mid-Career Masters of Arts in International Communications for representatives of governments and non-governmental organizations.
He has a 25-year experience in strategy consulting – www.tziotis.eu
Dimitris founded the Demos Athens Think Tank and the Green Tank dedicated in saving the planet.
He has managed the election campaigns of PASOK, SYRIZA, the Unione – Romano Prodi in Italy and has collaborated with the Think Tank of the Labor Party – Tony Blair in Great Britain.
In the field of sport, he has designed the strategy for the bid campaign of the Athens 2004 Olympics, the International Olympic Academy, the Super League Football Championship, the Hellenic Nautical Club, the Greek Rowing Federation, the Basket League, the Ministry of Sports and Olympiacos F.C.
At a local government level, he has created the strategy for the Municipality of Athens, the Municipality of Moscow, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Prefecture of Messinia, the Municipality of Ancient Olympia, the Municipality of Delphi and the campaign for the
Discrict of Attica.
In the field of culture he has designed the strategy for the Hellenic Culture Promotion Organization, the Cultural Olympiad, the Volunteer Movement Action Plan, the International Olympic Truce Center and the Olympic Museum of Athens.
In the economy of Tourism, he has shaped the strategy of the Ministry of Tourism, the Hellenic Tourism Organization, the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, the Rio Antirrio Bridge and HELEXPO.
In the business sector he has designed the strategy for METAXA, OPAP, INFOTE, IONIA, PEPSICO, SATO, VISA, PAPASTRATOS, JUMBO, GRANT, VISA, PLAISIO.
Dimitris has been awarded by the European Union for the creation of Cleverbank, as one of the best start-ups in Europe.
He has received the Athens 2004 Award for his contribution – as director of strategic planning and communication – to the success of the bid campaign of the Olympic Games.
Dimitris has been awarded the City of Athens Medal, for his contribution in the international recognition of city diplomacy and the creation of the World Union of Olympic Cities.
He has been honoured by the Blessed Archbishop of Athens and Greece, Seraphim for his exceptional contribution to the community.
Dimitris Tziotis is the author of the books:
New Greece
Macedonia – the foreign policy
Hellas – Trademark
Green Change
Changing Greece
The Strategy Book
Greece – all time classic
The Idea of Light
2021- a Constitution for the 21st Century
Imagination in power
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